Workspaces and Kubernetes
This is a work in progress - may not be 100% accurate
Kubernetes is developing many of the facilities for an abstraction like workspaces.
- Logical isolation of clusters of process containers.
- Service proxies to distinguish between interior and exterior promises.
- Self-repairing desired-end-state semantics, with replication controllers.
- Distributed clusters.
It's main drawback, presently, is that it is designed as a top-down management system, rather than a bottom-up cooperative. The logical picture might not reflect the physical picture. Particularly, the use of TLS certificates as the basis for identity (and CAs = TTPs) is a serious source complexity.
Apparently missing from kubernetes for the unification of embedded, IoT services:
- Bottom-up name management of service points (interior and exterior).
- Dissociation with IPv4-based server semantics.
- Policy based management of service nexus (complex interconnectivity of microservices).
- Knowledge-oriented desired end-state workflow (DSL model).
- The ability to incorporate the modelling of device resources, and network capacity into service estimates.
How real and virtual clusters map to workspaces
The abilty to manage a workspace as a cluster depends on the ability to:
- Define new clusters/workspaces without changing the hardware. Subsets and private tenancies are managed using namespaces walk-through and namespace sharing.
- Add or remove specialized hardware into only certain clusters/workspaces -- analogous to adding new remote cloud or bare metal instances to a resource cluster (Kubernetes node management: Labels on nodes can be used in conjunction with node selectors on pods to control scheduling, e.g. to constrain a Pod to only be eligible to run on a subset of the nodes; this is a top down decision. A node must also be able to say which pods it is willing to accept from which namespaces as a matter of policy). e.g. could a camera join a workspace cluster?
- Apply to join someone else's cluster as a member.
- As a user -- get account, based on client certificate (.cn=username), OpenID (email=username), etc. See Authenticating Across Clusters.
- User credentials must be mapped to a namespaces and workspaces on every member node.
- Workspace credentials work from an authorized source like an identity provider (OpenID) authentication. This is initiated by the first user.
- Resource providers (apps, storage services, virtual interfaces, etc) need to accept security perimeter promise/responsibilities from workspace managers.
Comparing Kubernetes to a pure promise-oriented system (e.g. CFEngine)
Comparing some of the features of Kubernetes with a promise-oriented bottom-up system like CFEngine. Kubernetes has remarkably many of the same features, but its priorities are reverse compared to CFEngine.
- CFEngine makes self-healing and autonomous, bottom-up behaviour priority, and makes sharing optional.
- Kubernetes makes clustering and top-down sharing a priority, and makes self-healing optional.
Kubernetes As documented March 2016 |
Promise-oriented system (CFEngine is a point of reference here) |
Cluster manager: views a distributed system as a tenancy provider sharing out resources as containers/pods that are networked together |
Resource manager: views a distributed system as a logical aggregation of resources from host-private sources implies no automatic connectivity, just logical association. |
push-agent service oriented API / kubectl command line |
pull-agent service oriented Domain Specific Language |
Replication controller wrappers for state maintenance | Builtin self-repairing semantics (desired end state) |
Cooperation architecture
Assumed top down. Centralized master architecture. Makes some attempt to allow integration with IaaS providers, to act as a top-lay controller. |
Cooperation architecture Must be engineered through policy, and client-server exchanges. De-centralized peer architecture. |
timescale: milliseconds - seconds | timescale: seconds - minutes |
resources: Containers (pods), storage mounts |
resources: files, processes, containers, operations, storage mounts |
workspace abstraction: top-down "communities", or contexts, provides a scope for
workspace abstraction: host/container oriented autonomy, with voluntary cooperation
context: triplet (cluster, user, namespace) Selectors based on labels set manually |
context: logical expressions based on labels, Selection based on labels set by probes or manual aliasing |
Sample config/API interactions | Speculative promise model, like "DSL" |
Examples taken from
apiVersion: v1 kind: ReplicationController metadata: name: my-nginx spec: replicas: 2 template: metadata: labels: app: nginx spec: containers: - name: nginx image: nginx ports: - containerPort: 80 |
bundle ReplicationController my_nginx { meta: "app" string => "nginx"; replica_sets: "nginx" pod_template => nginx_template, replicas => "2"; } bundle pod_template nginx_template { meta: "name" string => "nginx"; containers: "nginx" image => "nginx", container_ports => { "80" }; } |
apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: nginxsvc labels: app: nginx spec: type: NodePort ports: - port: 8080 targetPort: 80 protocol: TCP name: http - port: 443 protocol: TCP name: https selector: app: nginx --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ReplicationController metadata: name: my-nginx spec: replicas: 1 template: metadata: labels: app: nginx spec: volumes: - name: secret-volume secret: secretName: nginxsecret containers: - name: nginxhttps image: bprashanth/nginxhttps:1.0 ports: - containerPort: 443 - containerPort: 80 volumeMounts: - mountPath: /etc/nginx/ssl name: secret-volume |
bundle ServiceProxy nginxsvc # is a transducer port in/out { meta: "app" string => "nginx"; labels: "app_nginx" expression => "true"; exterior_service_port: app_nginx:: "8080" map_to_port => "80", protocol => "tcp", name => "http"; "443" protocol => "tcp", name => "https"; } bundle ReplicationController my-nginx { replica_sets: "nginx" pod_template => nginx_template, replicas => "1"; } bundle pod_template nginx_template { meta: "app" string => "nginx"; containers: "nginxhttps" image => "bprashanth/nginxhttps:1.0", container_ports => { 443, 80}; volumes: # storage: "/etc/nginx/ssl" volume => "secret-volume"; } |
{ "kind": "Service", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": { "name": "my-service" }, "spec": { "selector": { "app": "MyApp" }, "ports": [ { "protocol": "TCP", "port": 80, "targetPort": 9376, "nodePort": 30061 } ], "clusterIP": "", # conflicts with LoadBalancer??? # mistake? "loadBalancerIP": "", # attempt to acquire this IP "type": "LoadBalancer" }, "status": { "loadBalancer": { "ingress": [ { "ip": "" } ] } } } |
bundle ServiceProxy my_service { exterior_balancer_port: MyApp:: "" map_to_port => "9376", protocol => "tcp", nodeport => "30061"; #??? # "clusterIP": "", status: "loadBalancer" ## ???? what is this? ingress => { "" }; } |